Meditation For All

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A Vegan Definition taken from

What is a VEGAN? A vegan (pronounced VEE-gun) is someone who, for various reasons, chooses to avoid using or consuming animal products. While vegetarians choose not to use flesh foods, vegans also avoid dairy and eggs, as well as fur, leather, wool, down, and cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.

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After quite some time being a yogi, I have met a few people who can say that they are vegan. My goal, however, was to eliminate most animal flesh and to derive protein from nuts, legumes, milk, soy and eggs (unfertilized). As taught by Paramahansaji, fresh vegetables and fruits should be eaten as raw as possible. (I find that lightly steaming vegetables keeps them tasty as well as nutritious.) And we love to make fruit into smoothies in the blender as well as juicerating them.

Paramahansa Yogananda indicates that a large salad should be eaten with any portion of meat consumed.

After all, I don't think eating should become a religion! However, there are quite a few people who would disagree with me.

One thing that caught my eye on Oprah, was that doctors are now striving for greatly extended life expectancies through the reduction of calorie intake. (The sixty year old man, who claims his eyesight is now 20/20, eats approximately 1900 calories per day and the young woman ate approximately 1700 calories of food.) They both had a desired life expectancy of 150! Did I hear that correctly? Yogacharya thought so. And they feel that raw food is a key ingredient to this extension. Also, Yogacharya Oliver indicated that we do not need too much protein in our diet eg., seven almonds a day would suffice in that area! He also felt that eating too much protein (including milk) would lead to cancer cell growth.

Paramahansa wants us to eat like vegetarians so that the body organs don't have to strain to eliminate toxins that build up from a "white flour and white sugar" diet. He indicates in his SRF lessons that this wrong eating can make meditation more difficult than it needs to be. We do want to simplify our lives now, don't we?

Hopefully, you will challenge me with your viewpoints regarding diet and its' effect on physical and mental health.

Kindest regards, Sharon Kattke

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Desired life expectancy of 150?? My goodness!

Mom, this sounds good! The tidbit about not needing a lot of protein and how it can be detrimental to your health is interesting. I hadn't heard that before and I'll look into it.
Melissa said:
Desired life expectancy of 150?? My goodness!
Mom, this sounds good! The tidbit about not needing a lot of protein and how it can be detrimental to your health is interesting. I hadn't heard that before and I'll look into it.

Yes, you read it correctly, 150 years desired life expectancy. Not only diet but replacement with harvested organs was discussed on the Oprah show of March 24th, 2009. Very interesting.... Mom
Sharon A. Kattke said:
Melissa said:
Desired life expectancy of 150?? My goodness!
Mom, this sounds good! The tidbit about not needing a lot of protein and how it can be detrimental to your health is interesting. I hadn't heard that before and I'll look into it.

Yes, you read it correctly, 150 years desired life expectancy. Not only diet but replacement with harvested organs was discussed on the Oprah show of March 24th, 2009. Very interesting.... Mom

Harvested organs? That seems a bit extreme.
Dear Melissa, harvesting lab grown organs does sound extreme; however, that is what was presented by the doctor on the Oprah show. It sounds close to cloning. Your generation has the responsibility of determining the ethics of these practices.
The jury is out on this subject for me. Love Always, Mom

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