Meditation For All

Set Your Inner Self Free

Another stress buster is to do the relaxation pose. This is where you lie back down on a mat. Tense the whole body from toe to head and then release the tension. Then concentrate on each body part: feet, calves, knees, thighs, hips, stomach, abdomen, chest, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, neck, face and head. Tense each part and then release the tension. When you come to the forehead, visualize a bright light at the spiritual eye. With your mind's eye, visualize this light expanding, flowing over your body. Continue to expand this light throughout the room, over the house. The light is flowing over yards, parks, rivers, oceans, the earth, the moon, the stars, our universe. Feel yourself floating in this beautiful light. Allow the breath to flow in and out. On the inhalation feel the positive energy flowing in and the exhalation breathes the negative energy out. Continue to feel yourself immersed in this light like a tiny bubble in the ocean of life. In which we live, move, and have our being.

Try to remain in this state of suspended animation for as long as you can do so. Then when you are ready to come out of this visualization, roll over to your right side and stretch. Then the left side, and stretch. Then carefully come into a seated posture and breathe deeply and stretch.

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