This technique is Quite Old and Quite Safe. This is that which Christ spoke of as 'breathing through your bones'. What is involved is continually breathing in, but NOTBREATHING OUT. AT FIRST THIS SEEMS AN IMMPOSSIBILITY. However, I can attest to doing this for over 30 years and time periods exceeding 3 - 4 hours. I have done this while driving to and from work, a distance of 53 miles. The only thing keeping you from doing it all day long is the distraction or necessity of speech. Probably why monks prefer silence although few of them know the real reason.
There are several immediate benefits. Lack of disease and eliminating the need for more than 2-3 hours sleep. The ability to heal yourself and others. There is a light diffusing glow about your body which at times can clearly be seen emmanating to a distance of 3-4 feet around you.
I am now 66 years of age and am constantly thought to be 40-45 or younger. My most current occupation was owner/operator of a hay hauling & delivery service which involved
tossing 200 or so 70-80# bales on to a flatbed truck, stacking them, delivering them,
and finally moving the bales into a barn or shed & restacking them. My helpers were high school football players, who seldom worked more than 3-4 days before giving it up. So, I did it all myself until fuel hit $4.25 a gallon.
But enough about me. What needs to be discussed is what benefits this can have for you.
Barring accidents, longer healthier life and less fatigue. A sweet attractive odor about your person that seems to be particularily pleasing to young children, small and large animals, such as horses, cattle & deer.
An immediate increase in perception and awareness that goes beyond your normal experience to the Supernormal, bordering upon the Supernatural.
A few of what you may find as practical applications would be, knowing who is calling your telephone even when the call is for other family members and from someone you have never met.
The ability to turn streetlights on or off as you pass by.
Changing red traffic lights to green or holding the green until you have cleared the intersection.
Never running out of fuel, even when the indicator is below empty.
Always having just enough money to pay that unexpected bill.
The ability to expand or compress time as the needs of your personal day require.
In an emergency, the apparent ability to change what seems to be an inevitable outcome.
An example of this happened in April of 1994 in Walsenburg, Colorado. my business partner and I had met our attorney for a lease/purchase of some motel property in that same town. Our lawyer had parked across the street from a popular local restaurant and gone inside with his, then 2 year old, son.
After dinner and contract review, we had prepared to leave and were at the door, preparing to step onto the sidewalk, when the hostess approached to thank us for the dinner party and asked us to return soon.
I had already passed thru the door with my partner and noticed it had already gotten quite dark, yet traffic was still heavy, cars parked solidly on both sides of U.S. 160 and traffic streaming by with headlights on, practically bumper to bumper.
As Declan turned to talk to the hostess, his son broke free, darted across the sidewalk and between the parked cars. In two more steps he would be in traffic. Physically, there was no way I or my partner could reach him .
( two year olds are really fast little buggers ). All I had time to do was scream in my mind, NOOOO!
I stepped into the now empty street and caught him by a hand. There were now, only our parked cars and the restaurant owners van. No traffic in either direction as far as you could see and very few cars parked further along. His son and I returned to the sidewalk where I handed him to his dad. After sufficient goodbyes all around, my partner and I went to our car. Our attorney crossed the still empty street with his child to his car for the return trip to Castle Rock, Co. and they left. 5 minutes or so later, the traffic resumed at a flow that was even heavier than before.
Oh yes, and all the parked cars were back!
My partner said to me " did what just happened really happen". So I asked her what she thought happened. Of course she related to me what I have just shared with you.
The Recumbent Buddah says:
You are the absolute proof:
You create your own reality
and can change at will
what appears to be a predetermined
inevitable outcome
to an outcome beneficial to others
If this is an emergency and someone is extremely sick or perhaps dying
then come herenow!
I had wondered about this statement from Our Lord, a lot. Then during an operation in the South Atlantic aboard a US Navy destroyer, I had some time to really look at it. We were tracking a Russian nuclear submaine that we had picked up off of Norfolk, Va. in the cold & rain of Spring '62 and were currently off the coast of Jamaica in warm, balmy sunshine. That was great!
We were cruising at about 18 knots and had been for several days. Not getting any closer to the Russian, but not losing him either.
So plenty of time to think about things.
"Physician, heal thyself" Was this a statement or a question? Did it mean the physician could heal himself or if it were a question, couldn't heal himself without the Lord's assistance?
Then it came to me. Our Heavenly Father has given us many, many things including guidance through His only begotten Son, and various invitations, one of which is "Ask and Ye shall receive""
So I asked and waited upon the Lord to answer.
And these were my very next thoughts This was neither a statement nor a question
It was a commandment: of Christ.. to the Physician: Heal Thyself!
The record isn't clear what the physician did at this point, but what is known is that Christ
and Our Heavenly Father do not give us tasks or burdens without the tools or ability to make it so, and bring it in to our reality.
He Knew You From The Beginning and Quickened You While Yet In The Womb.
The very first thing Christ did when you came into this world was to give you 'The Breath Of Life' without which you would have certainly perished in your brand new physical body.
So there you were. Brand New Looking around. Wondering what this new place was all about. Exploring your fingers. Checking out your toes. Still growing and exploring
this wonderful, exciting world of the senses.
Just as your earthly parents watched over you and took care that you were warm and well fed
Christ watched over you and was in you with every breath you took, giving you the energy to make stronger bones and muscles. Helping you to focus your eyes and coordinate your reach and touch.
First you crawled, then toddled ...and eventually walked. Yes you fell down and got bumped. Probably quite often.
But then you were comforted under the watchful eyes of those who love you and always have.
This is true today, just as it was over 2000 years ago. But what was true about the 5000 years before God gave us Jesus and He in turn sent us the Holy Spirit, or even the 10,000 years earlier? How did man communicate with God before Noah, Moses, Elijah and all the prophets who preceded them who were barely visible on the horizon of mankind? Back long, long before the birth of Christ, who redeemed us all. How did mankind communicate and reverence God?
BY RECEIVING THE FIRST BREATH OF LIFE though they 'knew Him naught'
'The Recumbent Buddah'
That first hesitant breath contains minutely, frequencies of all the energy and wisdom of the Universe, Past, Present and Future, the Known and the Unknown. Creator and Created co-exist in wonderful vibrations from the visible to the invisible rainbow of eternity.
The First Cry of the newborn adds to the universal frequency strength, determination and diversity as it reaches the higher frequencies of the Mindful Heart, creating a complexity of love and compassion to be poured upon the Child.
With each new breath time is measured, the future comes to the present, Now becomes then. This isThe Secret Of All Time
So drink deeply of THE LIVING WATERS.
and HOLD!
When you feel as if you need more
then perceive your cup
and what it contains
DRINK from
TheCup Of Living Water,
Drink your fill.
Drink More
Attend the Lord.
That is excellent. As you continue to breathe and retain energy you will find a deeper meaning in that which you already know and were given at birth. As an example, consider this variation with the use of the word expire.
According to the ancient wisdoms, All Knowledge is Revealed between The Retention Of Breath ___ expiration. Then between expiration ___ Inhalation.
Of the two, the Knowledge gained after Expiration is Superior, but cannot be approached without The Retention Of The Living Water
Christ is All Knowledge and the Truth Always When you expire you give up the Breath of Life to the universe and lay the body down. When you inhale The Breath of Life you live and have your being in Christ.
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In Samadhi, the gross physical body is at rest and of no concern. Atman (soul ) & your conciousness, yoke to the God Head in a spiritual bliss of adoration and wonderment, then your soul and god conciousness bring you among the Devotees and Ascended Masters. This has often been pictured as hundreds of buddahs and thousands of devotees in translucent bubbles rising and descending in a Sea Of God Conciousness Illuminated from within, showered by Gift Waves of each other as the Light of Christ spiritually lifts the earthbound. You become as one among the many rays of the One Light and exist today as individual expressions of God