Meditation For All

Set Your Inner Self Free

The Upanishads have classified every stage of spiritual advancement. A siddha ("perfected being") has progressed from the state of a jivanmukta ("freed while living") to that of a paramukta ("supremely free" - full power over death). The latter is no longer bound by karmic law and delusion. The paramukta seldom returns to a physical body; but if he does return, he is an avatar.

Krishna, Rama, Buddha, Patanjali are among the ancient Indian avatars. Babaji's mission in India has been to assist prophets in carrying out their special dispensations. He is therefore qualified for the classification of Mahavatar (Great Avatar). Babaji has been incarnate for thousands of years. He is ever in communion with Christ. Together they send out vibrations of redemption and have planned the spiritual work of salvation for this age. The work of these two fully illumined masters is to inspire nations to forsake wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the evils of materialism.

Christ and Krishna come to earth for a specific and spectacular purpose. They depart as soon as it is accomplished. Mahavatar Babaji works for mankind in hastening their slow evolutionary journey on earth over long periods of time and many incarnations. He re-established the art of Kriya yoga and has furthered its teaching in both the East and West.

The line of gurus of Self-Realization Fellowship are Jesus the Christ, Bhagavan Krishna, Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Gurudev Paramahansa Yogananda.

For further information about avatars, please consider reading, "Autobiography of a Yogi," by Paramahansa Yogananda and consider studying the teachings of SRF at

Namaste, Sharon Kattke

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