Paramahansa Yogananda gave us these recipes to follow. Try out the various breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes. Follow whatever best suits your individual health needs. Gradually remodel eating habits. All students of yoga, should seriously make it a plan to eliminate beef and pork products. Gradually get accustomed to using more ground nuts, eggs, bananas, cheese, milk, and soy and other beans in place of meat. Be sure to eat more nature cooked raw vegetables, fruits, dates and nuts.
1. Orange or grapefruit or watermelon juice with ground nuts.
2. Two hard-boiled egg yolks in orange juice or with tomato juice.
3. For a laxative effect: bran, milk, honey, and ground nuts.
4. Cantaloupe, bran, milk, and ground nuts.
5. Berries, ground nuts, milk and honey.
6. Pineapple juice, milk, honey, ground nuts, and chopped pineapple.
7. Glass of milk and honey.
8. Ground almonds and honey mixed in a glass of water.
Ideal Lunches
1. Salad made of sixteen leaves of spinach and one other chopped raw vegetable,
with three ounces of ground pecans and dressing.
2. Salad of one half head of lettuce, ground carrots, and dressing.
Dinner Suggestions (Meat Substitutes)
1. One tablespoon ground raw pine nuts or cashews (or any other kind of nuts) with one glass
of Orange Juice.
2. Boiled eggs with half a head of lettuce.
3. Cottage cheese with half a head of lettuce.
4. Nut loaves, nut products in general.
5. Gluten products.
6. Cheese dishes.
7. Beans or lentils.
8. Avocados or bananas.
Diet for Vital Strength
Eat four tablespoons of thoroughly ground almonds and two oranges, or eat three slices of fresh pineapple plus a handful of pecans ground. Or drink a glass of milk with a handful of soaked raisins. Or eat one banana with one tablespoon of nuts may be added. Eat one orange and one raw carrot every day. Chew the carrot well, as this is good for the teeth.
For the Stomach
To one glass of water add a teaspoon of white sugar and seven or fourteen drops of lime juice. Paramahansa indicates that this has a wonderful spiritual vibration and gives fine tone to the stomach. Do not make it too sweet or sour.
One should also fast one day per week and three days per month under the guidance of your doctor.These dietary rules and menus are those recommended by ancient and modern day yogis of India.
Namaste, Sharon Kattke